
Pass It On: A Bible Commentary for Laymen: First and Second Timothy is unavailable, but you can change that!

With careful scholarship and clear writing, Robert Mounce helps you apply lessons from 1 and 2 Timothy to your own spiritual life. As Mounce explains in the introduction, 1 and 2 Timothy form “a manual of church discipline … a series of instructions on how Christians in a local community should organize themselves in order to worship God and live together in Christian love.”

is it about the Christian faith that makes wrong something which would be permissible on secular grounds? Do you think the cause of Christ would be benefited if all believers reorganized their priorities so as to reduce the number of nonessential “civilian affairs”? Do you think this will ever happen apart from individual believers (you and I) taking the step? Why do we hesitate? Paul has made his appeal to Timothy on several bases: his ordination vows; his godly
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